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分类:肯尼亚手机话费充值教程 | 用户: (93.1k 分)


700 to 709 (NDC)Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Safaricom Ltd
710 to 719 (NDC)Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Safaricom Ltd
720 to 729 (NDC)Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Safaricom Ltd
730 to 739 (NDC)Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Airtel Networks Kenya Ltd
740  (NDC)Safaricom Ltd
741  (NDC)Safaricom Ltd
742  (NDC)Safaricom Ltd
744 (NDC)Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Homelands Media Ltd
747 (NDC) 9 9Jamii Telecom Ltd for Kenya
749 (NDC) 9 9WiAfrica Kenya Limited
750 to 756 (NDC)Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Airtel Networks Kenya Ltd
760 (NDC)Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Mobile Pay Ltd
763 to 766 (NDC)Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Finserve Africa Ltd
767 (NDC)Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Sema Mobile Services Ltd
770 to 777 (NDC)Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Telkom Kenya Ltd
778 (NDC)Telkom Kenya
779 (NDC)Telkom Kenya
780 to 782 (NDC)Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Airtel Networks Kenya Ltd
785 to 789 (NDC)Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Airtel Networks Kenya Ltd
790 to 797 (NDC)Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Safaricom Ltd
798 (NDC)Safaricom Limited
799 (NDC)Safaricom Limited


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